
I’m glad you made it.

You have chosen to visit this site because you’re concerned about feeling sleepy during the day-time; I’m pleased to say this is the place you can find positive help and support.

My name is Harry, and I’ve a lot of sympathy with guys like you.  I’ve been through the mill myself and I know what it’s like: if I can help you avoid the problems I faced, then so much the better.

If you are a truck-driver, or you earn your living by driving, you have a unique exposure to a health disorder that can put other road users’ lives at risk as well as your own.  By following the advice given here, you can do something about it.

Your visit here is anonymous and confidential, you can be sure of that.

You have probably had some hairy moments getting cut-up by other trucks on the motorway, you’ve been late making drops and sometimes found it hard to stay awake and alert; at the back of your mind, you feel there may be something wrong, but you don’t want the boss to find out because you’ll probably lose your job and your driving-licence if he does.

The good thing about OSA is that treatment is available throughout the UK, no medication or surgery is involved, it is very effective and brings about a remarkably positive change in those who have it in a short space of time.

The bad thing about OSA is that, without treatment, it will develop into far more serious life-threatening conditions, causing diabetes, strokes, heart-failure, etc.

Once you are diagnosed and receiving treatment, these risks are minimised and you will feel a whole lot better about socialising with friends and family and better about doing your job.

You will also become a much safer driver.

Having OSA does not mean losing your Class2 driving-licence, or your job. Over 90% of driving-licences surrendered because of OSA are returned and the driver continues his career; following the instructions here will give you an idea how quickly you can get your licence back.